Pleased to Make Your e-cquaintance.

Hello, I’m Ashlee and this is my blog. I feel like a thoroughly modern milly having a blog and all, and I’m psyched that you’re checking it out. Thanks. While you’re checking me out, maybe wander over to my first giving page and donate ( Or leave a comment and say hello. It’s a friendly place and hopefully you like it as much as I do.

About me: Director of Programs by day for a workforce development non-profit, aspiring runner by night (or always now, I guess). Proud dog-mom to Banjo Buttercup, equally-proud girlfriend of Ironman Jim, and sometime volunteer at the Anti-Cruelty Society, Best Buddies, and Children’s Home + Aid. I am also an avid recycler. I have been known to dig cans and gum-covered paper out of my colleagues’ trash. If you throw a piece of paper in the trash, I will find you. Likes: Saffron yellow, hummus, iced tea, red lipstick, Marimekko anything, adoption (animals, kids, you name it), nature, seltzer, Chicago, traveling, dancing, anything Scandinavian, Morrissey and the Smiths, rainy days, and flip flops. Dislikes: Litterbugs (again, I’ll find you!), cilantro, abusive use of emoticons, porcelain dolls (a childhood phobia), Chicago sales tax, Marmite. Golly, I really feel like we know each other now!

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